Friday, June 08, 2007

5 Things NOT to do at a triathlon

I'm a little behind keeping up with my blog. I should have posted it two weeks ago...I hope it's still relevant.

5 Things NOT to do at a triathlon

1. Underestimate the importance of a good night's rest
I help a friend at his restaurant one or two days a week. Friday night before the race, he was extremely short staffed. I was the waiter for the entire restaurant while training a girl on her first day as a waitress. To make matters worse, there was a high volume of customers. Needless to say, I did not get a good night's rest the day before the race. I did not get to sleep until about 2 am, and I felt like I had already ran a triathlon.

2. Pack for the morning of the race
Organizational skills are not my best asset. I packed a lot of my gear the morning of the race. 30 minutes before the start of the race, I realized that I had forgotten my goggles! I was very lucky that a good friend happened to have a spare pair.
Thanks again, Laura!

3. Plan for perfect conditions
During the swim, I felt good, I did not panic, and my form was excellent. However, I was one of the last to get out of the water. This was particularly frustrating because I had been working hard to improve my stroke all year. My placement in the swim was worse than last year's! When I got to my bicycle, I had a flat tire!

4. Give up when discouraged
Not only did I forget to pack my goggles, I also forgot to bring my bicycle pump. I carry a small pump on my bike, but It does not get enough pressure for a 25 mile race! I almost went home , when a spectator offered me the use of his pump. I changed my tire, and followed the course...doomed to the shame of last place.

5. Bring a highly competitive spirit
While finishing the race, I thought about why I was racing in the first place. I'm not an elite athlete, I pretty much do it for fun...and my health. I was so worried about my rank, that I didn't allow myself to have a good time. Once I realized my mistake, the race became very enjoyable. Maysville is a beautiful city, and it's a great course!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes its better to take time to weave a net then to sit and pray for fish to come. The journey in itself is the greatest reward. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize you had that kinda of race - you are always in such a good mood!
Love the painting. Cant wait to see the bike and run!

Anonymous said...

You GO, Triatholon man. *blows bugle* I'd be DYING. At least you finished, I'd take ONE look at the flat tire and just sit right down and say "OH, now THAT'S just IT!" Ha, ha *smile*
~Steph (Jones) Stebbins~

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at the evolution of your artwork. My husband bought a piece of your "damaged" pottery in 2001. There is a crack half way from the rim to the center but it is still beautiful. Two ducks back to back standing in front of a radiant sun. I definitely want a print of Porkopolis. I'll be checking in to your blog more often. Keep up the good work!

And congratulations on finishing the Triathlon!

Cheryl from Moscow

Anonymous said...

You are not only a great artist but your words are evolving into a cornucopia of images I see clearly. I want a print of that FANTASTIC painting in the shop. I'm honored to know you before the populist accolades engulf you and your work.