Tuesday, January 22, 2008

small oil pastel paintings

I have been painting very small oil pastel paintings. Having to cover a very small surface, I am able to work quickly. This exercise has allowed me to visualize my idea before I commit to a large, time comsuming painting. These exercises also give me small original paintings to offer for sale at hard-to-resist prices.

Please feel free to comment on which ones you think "work" and don't.

little Lake
a little lake with a little riverfront real estate undeveloped.

two Houses On Hill
Little house on hill with outhouse in backyard.

cow On Hill
Small Oil Pastel painting of a cow enjoying the view from the top of a hill.

I was missing the warm weather when I could take my bike for a spin, and painted this small oil pastel

dog In Yard
little dog in the yard

two Boats-tiny
A very small oil pastel painting.

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