Something I've been working on for a while now. A portrait with a farm animal.
This work was started from a rough pencil sketch. The rest was done in Photoshop. My goal is to make work with the latest technology, while maintaining the look, feel, style I have developed with traditional media.
I think the hands need some work.
Also, there is a halo between the body and background. This is a result of working the two parts of the painting separately. This painting is going to receive more colors. First, I will make it my screen saver and study it for a while.
Even tho I have an old fashioned fear of technology, i am impressed with your discovery of a new medium! you are moving forward, and embracing the future of art. knowing you is like knowing one of the greatest artists of all time. You should get this together and get it in a big show (the kind that recognizes YOU) Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are way too kind. thank you for the kind words. praise from another artist is really special, since we tend to have more than a casual opinion about art.
This is the first time I've been back in a while and as usual you astound me. Your art literally stirs my soul and makes me glad. I'm so happy I know the man before he becomes famous! You really should consider illustrating children's book. The boy with the chiken is so striking because of the color and technique-Wow!
I predict you are going to become infamous!
Melissa…Ken already is :)
I like this one the best (of the rooster paintings). The technique is awesome and very dreamlike. The colors are appropriate, I think, because you don't know if the boy is saving the rooster from a dreadful outcome or getting ready to chop off his head. In other words, it draws the viewer into the painting and stirs the imagination.
Peace Love and Happiness,
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