OK, maybe regular posting on my blog should have been my goal for 2007.
2006 was my busiest and most productive year EVER. You can scan the archives of this blog and get a small idea of what's been happening.
During the turning of the year, I helped my friend at his restaurant, "The Beehive Tavern".
I'm not superstitious. However, there is a certain symbolism to "what you do during the turning of the new year is what you will do most the next year". I enjoy helping at the restaurant on weekends. In fact, the extra money probably helps me keep the lights turned on! But, I did not want to wait tables during the turning of the new year.
At 11:55, I was still busy popping corks, and filling customer's champagne glasses. Then I ran outside, took off my apron, and stood in front of Augusta's ferry docked at the riverside. It was unseasonably warm, and the streetlights provided plenty of light for me to make a small sketch of the boat.
I was very happy outside while I heard the crowd count down in the tavern. For that important moment in time, I was being an artist. I finished my sketch, put my apron back on, and returned to the job of a waiter for the rest of the evening.
I know it's a little late, but how was your new year? Do you have any creative resolutions or goals? Leave a post and share your plans!
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