Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Communicating with art

Communicating with art
This blog has been a great way to practice my writing skills.
I am not a natural writer, and posting a new blog each week can be a challenge. My ultimate goal is to improve my communication skills. The arts give us a unique way to communicate. A picture says 1000 words, a song can change your mood, and a book can change your mind. Our work as artists can do more than simply entertaining others, it can change their lives.
What do I want to say?
I am still developing my art, but try to use it to encourage others. I believe as artists, we should encourage others to peruse their own creative talents. Our society has too many negative stereotypes for artists. I wonder how many artists have not even tried due to fear of having a stereotype pinned on them? I want to be an example that you can follow your dream, be an artist, make a living, remain sane, sober and keep both ears attached.

What do you want to say?
Do you think about what you want to say when you create your art? Is there a single message you are communicating with your work? Can art be just for the sake of decoration and entertainment? What works of art that have left a strong impression on you (or society)? Please leave your comments on the blog, I look forward to hearing from you!

Have a great week!

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