Sunday, February 17, 2008

Artcroft Day 14

please go to for the full featured version of this post.

Sunday is the day I go into town and do my laundry.

I went to Maysville to have a look at my newly aquired art studio/web design office. I had agreed to renting it over the phone. My home/studio was damaged during the tornado storms last week, and I have a friend who was getting ready to rent a space in her building in downtown seemed like a match brought together by the cosmos. The space was very comfortable, and I know it is going to make a great workspace.

I did my laundry, had lunch with friends, did some grocery shopping, then headed back to Artcroft. The winds were picking up and the sky had a beautiful light and interesting pattern of clouds. I was anxious to get back to Artcroft, but had to stop long enough to take this picture.

After dinner, we bottle fed the baby goats and hoisted Shirley up so she could get used to standing on her feet. She is still very weak from the birth.
She is eating and drinking, and has a good demeanor (as always), but her legs are too weak to support herself. It is important that she be able to stand on her feet so that she can feed the babies, but also for her recovery. I hope tomorrow she gets up and gets to walk around.
come On Shirley

I showed Angela my studio after feeding the babies. She is from New York City, but has some country in her, so she's alright with me. She understood the idea of composting banana peels, and wasn't too prissy to sit in the hay and feed baby goats. She noted a few times with amusement that her city boots had mud on them. I have a feeling that her boots are going to have good fun out in the country. Can you imagine being a boot, and not getting to step in a muddy puddle? I have been the only resident for the last 2 weeks, and it was really nice to sit in my studio and talk about art, the artist's life, and those other things that artist's like to gab about.

This experience as an artist-in-residence has been awesome. I can tell that I am making some important developments as an artist. I'm sorry that I can't express them very well with words right now. It's been a long day, and I am so tired that I accidentally erased one of the sketches that I wanted to share with you all. Thanks again everyone who has been so supportive through your comments and emails. I want to personally reply to everyone, but I am not very good at finding the time to write the letters...I do read the comments and appreciate everyone's kindness and friendship.


Friday, February 15, 2008

Artcroft Day 12

please go to for the full-featured version of this article:

Sorry folks, I don't have any pictures of my latest/greatest today.

Yesterday, I hit a creative wall, so I was eager to get my mind off art and help Robert with some construction work to prepare Angela's studio. (she arrives tomorrow).

After finishing the work on the studio, Robert invited me to have lunch with him in Carlisle, Ky. After driving into Carlisle's charming downtown, we discovered the restaurant was closed due to sick children. While walking back to the truck, we met Ed Taylor, a friend of Robert. He offered to feed us at his restaurant 'cafe on Main'.

Cafe On Main
sorry about the quality of the photo...i had to take this shot with my cellphone.
Although it was not open for business, Ed welcomed us in, and turned up the stove. The Cafe was decorated with beautiful art...real art! Every space on the walls in the cafe were being used to display paintings or drawings. We both had roast beef with a potato casserole and broccoli. It may sound like a normal lunch, but there was nothing normal about it. The food was a concert of flavors! I don't rattle on about is usually a means to an gives me energy so I can paint. This food was a work of ART!

When we returned to the farm, I went directly to my studio and began a new, mysterious project. I don't want to show unfinished work, but you can rest assured that I have broken through the creative wall. Thanks everyone for your encouragement on yesterdays post to keep those creative juices pumping!

Shirley, the big fat mama goat, was making fussy noises this morning. She is ready to have those babies, but they still are not ready to come out.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Artcroft Day 11

To view this blog with full features click here

tree House-Oil
Tree House

For me, creativity has peaks and valleys. For the last 10 days at Artcroft, I have enjoyed a surge of creative inspiration. Today, I feel like I ran out of creative energy.

Barker's Cottage
I started the day by doing some creative work for a web design project I have been hired to do. Then at the studio, I finished 2 oil paintings. Then took a couple snapshots. I went for a 5 mile jog, came home and did some light cleaning around the house...and then got ready for dinner.

Dinner with Robert and Maureen was delicious and pleasant as always, but when I returned to the studio, I couldn't get anything done!

I felt like I was suffering from creative paralysis. I tried to paint an idea for a watercolor, but from the beginning, the composition was bad, and the colors were not agreeing with me. The worst thing was that I had no enthusiasm for my work. I am always excited to bring an image to life, but tonight, I could care less.

I hope haven't overloaded myself. I am looking forward to helping Robert with some work around the farm so my creative juices can build back up...that should do the trick!

I am curious to know how the other creative folk out there deal with keeping their creative energies in check? (particularly when they hit a brick wall)


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Artcroft day 10

Time is passing fast here at Artcroft. I am already 1/3 through the residency. I am having a great experience, and know it is going to be hard to leave when the time comes.

I spent most of the day in the studio, working on my oil paintings. I have 3 that are almost finished...if not finished:

Cat Nap
Lazy cat, was hunting for birds, then fell asleep. He's not very good at catching mice either, but he is still a good cat.

Too Good For The Hen House
Too Good For The Hen House
When I raised chickens, they rarely went into their henhouse at night. They prefered to roost in the trees...there were many nights I had to climb the tree to bring the chickens down and put them in the henhouse!

prissy Little Cow
Prissy Little Cow
Prissy little cow likes to sit with her front legs crossed in the shade and talk with the birds. Soak in the muddy pond with the other cows...never!

Big Fat Mama Goat Waiting For The Baby
A watercolor painting of Mama goat who lives under the pottery studio at Artcroft, but she comes outside to look at the snow, and let me rub her belly...her baby is overdue. I think it wants to stay in her warm belly!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Artcroft day 9

snowy Hill Top Panorama
Today, I woke to the sound of ice sliding off the roof...crashing to the ground. A combination of sleet and snow fell for most of the day. The wintry mix changed the landscape from yellow to white.

 snowy trail
I took a break inbetween painting sessions and took a walk around the farm.

residents Quarters
A view of the resident's quarters.

I invited Robert and Maureen to visit my studio today. I asked Robert for a critique on my work, and was grateful for his insight. I admire anyone who can put words to the process of making visual art. It's always easy to say "I like this/I like that", but the ability to explain why something is working...or why something is not working. I hope I can develop that skill over time.


Sorry not to have new work for this post, but larger oil paintings take much more time to finish than smaller oil pastel paintings. I plan to have 2 or 3 finished tomorrow, so please keep watching this site!


Monday, February 11, 2008

Artcroft Day 8

please read this post on my primary website...all the enhancements are not available on the blogger version:

Today, I took a break from small oil pastel paintings, and put some canvas on the easels…then put some paint on the canvas.

I don’t have a finished painting to show, but while painting, I took a picture every 15 minutes or so…then combined them into a video. Enjoy a peek at me while at work!

Had an interesting jog today…i decided to follow crooked creek road westward, and after about 2 miles, was chased by a pack of dogs (over 10). I probably made a personal record for sprinting during that run. I am a dog lover, but decided to hitch a ride with some nice folks instead of trying to run past the dogs again! Next run I will go east!

A week of my residency has already passed! I have done a good bit of work, but I feel like I am just settling into my new workspace. Now, I am looking forward to making some great paintings! These new paintings really make me happy…i have a feeling they are going to put a smile on your face too.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

ArtCroft Day 7

please read this post on my primary website...all the enhancements are not available on the blogger version:

For the seventh day, I slowed down a bit...still, I painted 2 more small oil pastels,

a great tree full of chickens with a rooster at the top of the tree

a cluster of houses...but much nicer to look at than some of the recent sprawl common here in the U.S.

I used today to go to the Y in paris and do some swimming. I did not pay attention to my time, but I think I got a good mile worth of laps. Then I did laundry, bought some groceries and returned to Artcroft. After a few hours away, it felt good to see the Artcroft sign and return home.

I try to use sunday as a day for staying in touch with my family, so much of the evening was spent sitting by the fire and catching up with my loved ones.

Now if I could only get a handle on my email! Thank you everyone for your encouraging email and blog posts. I want to reply to everyone, but there is only so much time...and so many pictures to paint! I will be in touch with everyone soon! Thank you again for the overwhelming really keeps me going!


Artcroft day 7

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Artcroft Day 6

I regret that I do not get to writing my blog post until the end of the day when my mind is mush...but I will try and recount another wonderful day at Artcroft.

This morning, I helped Robert sure up the roof for the chicken coop. The weather is supposed to take a turn for the worse, so it was good we were able to tighten it up.

I made 8 small oil pastel paintings. I am trying to explore a theme with slight variations. Some are good, some are bad and some are great, I will make large oil paintings out of the best small paintings. Feel free to comment on what you think is good, bad and will help me with the decision making!

me With Work
me crosseyed from painting too much!


Late in the afternoon while preparing dinner, Maureen commented on the beautiful light outside. I decided to take a walk with my camera and try to capture some of that light.

I am having a great time out here. I can't express the good feeling that comes with a stay at Artcroft. Robert and Maureen are experts at creating a beautiful environment for creative thinking.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Artcroft Residency Day 5

It's the end of the day, and I am exhausted...but I want to keep up the habit of posting something every day of my residency at Artcroft.

I started the morning helping Robert build the roof of the chicken coop. Chicks are scheduled to arrive in the mail in two weeks!

Then I took a 7 mile run in the country. Very beautiful country...kentucky has some of the best, unspoiled country roads in the U.S. !

The rest of the day, I painted like a maniac! Here are the results of my frenzy...enjoy!

CHickeN in A Tree

bird iN the yArd

hOuse iN tHe fOrest

pUrple tRee

Windy Hill

Tree On an Island

tRee HouSe

Cat In A tree

Bird In A tree

Thursday, February 07, 2008

ArtCroft residency day 4

Busy day!

After doing some work in the studio, I went to Carslile to mail a print that I sold on Etsy.

A neat Orderly Pile
I helped Robert take the veranda apart, remove the nails, and stack the destruction into a neat orderly pile.

I have started 3 oil paintings, and they all involve brightly colored trees. I am trying to work in series...each painting is unique, but they have a unifying look and they are all brothers and sisters.

I started a few smaller oil pastels that are in the same series.
greenTreeResized blueTree

Here is the oil pastel inspired by yesterday's sketch of the pond.

I am feeling very productive here at artCroft!


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

ArtCroft Residency Day3 (tornados and rainbows)

Last night, furious winds crossed the hills in Kentuckyland. When I woke up, there was no electricity and I saw the veranda attached to the resident's quarters had been blown down.

tornado damage at artCroft
My cell phone worked, and I called my friend who was staying at my old house with the dogs and cats. During last night's storm, a tornado passed between me and my neighbor's house. The barn was leveled, the outhouse vanished, The neighbor's trampoline 2 acres away broke a window, and enough roof is missing from the house so you can see the stars through the ceiling!

It's probably good that I missed all the excitement. The animals are all safe, and nothing irreplaceable was destroyed.

After a few hours, the electricity came back on, and I went to my studio to work. It was a good escape from my worries, and I almost finished my second oil painting. The rain stopped, so I strapped on my waterproof hiking boots and took a walk around the farm.

sketching a pond at artCroft

I sketched a scene where a stream emptied into a pond, then followed the stream for a while. It is very easy to keep walking, because every corner you turn offers new beautiful views. I was a good distance from the studio, when the skies changed from blue to grey to black, so I quickly changed direction and returned to the studio. I got a little wet, but made it to shelter before the torrential downpour started.

rainbow at artCroft
After drying off and doing some painting, the storm stopped as abruptly as it started, and the sky displayed one of the most magnificant rainbows i have ever seen!

I returned to my work, until dinner time. After dinner, I had a few inspired hours when I started a new oil painting. I tried to use my camera to record video of me creating the artwork, but the memory filled up without my knowing, so I continued painting without being recorded. I have always thought the first moments of a new painting are the most exciting anyway! I should have the video ready to share soon!

I am having a great experience out here!
